
There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch

But Openpoint will save you a lot of money and time.

No matter the size of your digtial twin you will find whats right for you. The smallest project will always be free but when full support and unlimited users is needed we will be there for you! Choose your account below and sign up!

Freemium account

When free enough is good enough

All in life cant be free but sometimes free is really good. If you can cope with not being able to share anything or you just have one small pointcloud to look at. Don’t worry, be happy! Openpoint Freemium is the best choice for you!

Freemium account
Basic account

Basic account

Not so basic after all

It sounds boring, who wants to be basic? Well, most of our users actually. When sharing is caring and you want to make sure everything is up and running from start. With basic account you get all the features you need when you need them. Wanna step into the future in the most organic way? Choose Openpoint Basic.

* 100 SEK/10 USD per additional viewer
** 200 SEK/20 USD per OpenVault minimum of 1Tb

Enterprise account

When bigger is better

Already have that big business? Wanna make sure that nothing will stop you? Sometimes Basic is not enough, sometimes bigger is better already from start. With Openpoint Enterprise you make sure there are no limits left!

* OpenVault storage amount will be set based on clients estimated need over a one year cycle.

Enterprise account

“Too good to be true?

Let’s call it cost efficient instead”

A demonstration of the Openpoint platform

Sign up

We know how difficult it can be to implement effective digitalisation, but we also know how easy it can be when it’s done properly. We’ll be happy to help you optimise your digitalisation process.

Get to know Openpoint and see what the platform can do for you.